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Summary statistics for online Master of Education degrees in the United States for 2024:

Why get a Master of Education?

More than 4 million people work in primary and secondary education in the U.S. today. In most states, teachers who have a master’s degree earn significantly more money each year than bachelor’s-only trained teachers.

There are many different subjects that are taught in Education at the graduate-level: Leadership, STEM Subjects, Reading, Educational Evaluation & Research, Educational Technology, Primary and Secondary Education, TESOL, and Early Childhood Education, to name only a few. Some of the fastest growing fields in education are Preschool Special Education and Student Counseling. Within Special Education, teachers learn how to better work with students with learning disabilities and autism. School counselors work with students to help them understand and overcome personal, social, or behavioral problems affecting their educational situations. Education is a dynamic field that encourages its practitioners to always be learning and evolving their skill sets.

Many certifications and credentials for teaching special subjects require that a teacher complete graduate level coursework or a degree. If you are interested in pursuing a special certificate, you should always verify that the degree program you are interested in meets the criteria set by your state’s board of education. Programs rely on their students to ensure that the program meets the specific requirements set by each state, as these requirements may vary greatly from one state to another.

Advance Your Career By Searching Our Online Degree Database

If you’ve searched for online master’s degrees, you know that most websites you get are marketing companies who are paid to generate leads. These websites exist to get your name and contact information. They can pull you off track, waste your time, and cause you to settle for less than the best program for your career.

OnlineDegreeDatabase.com is a web-based, continually-updated, easily searchable database of almost all online master’s degrees in the United States. We are not a marketing company, so we will never ask for or sell your contact information. At no cost to you, we provide all the information you need to find the right online master’s degree to advance your career. So start searching now!

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