
Online Degree Database

Master of Organizational Management Degree

Search all of the online Master of Organizational Leadership degrees to find the ones that meet your criteria in seconds!

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Summary statistics for online Master of Organizational Leadership degrees in the United States for 2024:

Additional Details About Online Master of Organizational Leadership Degrees

Students in an organizational leadership master’s degree program learn how to build teams, manage human resources, make decisions and inspire others. Core online courses include leadership, conflict management, organizational behavior and communication. These programs often offer a rich variety of concentrations with their programs, either focusing on industry specializations like health care or criminal justice leadership, or on specific skills like community development and social change. This wide range of specializations can be used to help you determine which of these programs will be best for you, given your interests and career advancement goals.

Most Organizational Leadership master’s programs do not require that applicants have an undergraduate degree in business. They also rarely require applicants to submit standardized test scores. The average cost of an online Master of Organizational Leadership is much lower than the average cost of an online MBA. Rather, these have very open admissions requirements and are degrees built for individuals who aspire to enhancing their leadership skills and resumes for advancing into leadership / supervisory roles within a company.

Before you generate your free report that saves you hours of searching for potential programs, use our Resources section on the website to decide what program criteria are most important to you (total tuition, admissions requirements, etc.) and what questions to ask of an admissions counselor when you call for more information about an online degree program!

OnlineDegreeDatabase.com is a web-based, continually-updated, easily searchable database of almost all online master’s degrees in the United States. We are not a marketing company, so we will never ask for or sell your contact information. At no cost to you, we provide all the information you need to find the right online master’s degree to advance your career. So start searching now!

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