
Online Degree Database

Master of Sports Management Degree

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Summary statistics for online Master of Sport Management degrees in the United States for 2024:

Additional Details About Online Master of Sport Management Degrees

Master of Sport Management degrees are cross-disciplinary and include courses in management, leadership, and organization in sport, behavioral dimensions, ethics, management, marketing, communications, finance, economics, social context, legal issues, governance, and professional preparation in the sport industry. Most programs may be completed fully online in 12 to 24 months. Most programs do not require applicants to submit GMAT scores, but do require a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5 to 3.0, depending on the program.

Students who are interested in obtaining an MBA with a Sport Management concentration should visit our MBA page and then contact us for the details. Click on “Contact” on our home page navigation bar! There are at least 22 online MBA programs with a concentration in Sport Management available in the market today and we’ll be happy to provide this list especially for you. Key occupations for prospective students to consider if they are interested in pursuing a Master of Sport Management include Agents and Business Managers of Athletes, Coaches and Scouts, Athletes, Athletic Directors, and Advertising/Promotions/Marketing Managers. According to Payscale.com, salaries for these positions range from a low of $40,000 for Account Managers to a high of $75,500 for Senior Marketing Managers.

Among available online Master of Sport Management degrees, there are programs with concentrations in Athletic Administration, Coaching Theory & Strategy, Marketing, Leadership, Hospitality Management, and Non-Profit Administration.

Prospective students will have many options with these programs to find internships where they can apply the skills they are learning, either in locations closer to where the program is located, or closer to where they live, depending on the structure of the program.

OnlineDegreeDatabase.com is a web-based, continually-updated, easily searchable database of almost all online master’s degrees in the United States. We are not a marketing company, so we will never ask for or sell your contact information. At no cost to you, we provide all the information you need to find the right online master’s degree to advance your career. So start searching now!

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